A Simple External Link Indicator

No Surprises!
Sometimes it’s obvious when a link is going to take a user away from your site. Sometimes it isn’t. Manage your users’ expectations with A Simple External Link Indicator.
Maintain user trust with clearly marked external links!

Reduce Bounce Rates
If a user is fully aware that a link will take them off site, they may be more inclined to open in a new tab. By informting users that they are leaving the site, you give them the choice to continue their intended journey, or not.
And, if you do have your external links set to open in a new tab, it’ll be less surprising when that new tab pops open.

Stay Secure
Clearly marked external links can serve as a subtle security reminder. Your users are more cautious about the authenticity and safety of external sites, and clearly marked external links encourages mindfulness when clicking them.

Simple, Single Page Interface
Hundreds of options and dubious justifications for “upgrading to pro”? Yea – you’ll find none of that here.
A Simple External Link Indicator is exactly that – simple. Super simple, even. Just select an icon, and then select what percentage of the text you want to display the icon.
Need more control?
With the patent pending (patent not actually pending) Excluded CSS Selector box, you can easily set your own CSS selectors to exclude from receiving external links. Both classes and ids are supported!

Have a question?
Please feel free to reach out and I’ll do my best to help you – I love feature requests!