All written content and characters on this site belong to and is copyright Alexander van Rossum, NAHFTS, and / or MipYip, LLC and may not be used without permission.
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General Shipping:
Items will be shipped according to how they are listed in the store. Generally, canvasses will be shipped in box, and papers in an envelope. All packages will include a smiling visage of some sort.
I don’t plan to do anything with your mailing address other than mail something to it, but if you ever need it removed let me know.
“Fine” Art
Art is subjective, and I have subjectively decided that the art on canvas is “finer” than the art on paper and cardstock, ergo, Fine Art. “Finer” art can be found in this category on the store: All Fine Art will ship with a smiley face on the package.
Quality Complaints
I do my best to take accurate photographs of the work. If something is off, please contact me.
Ultimately, my goal is for you to be happy, and if you’re not happy, I’m not happy. That said, I do need to protect myself and my work so I have the following rules in place:
- Please closely review the artwork before purchasing. I have included all the important bits, such as dimensions, colors, material, and medium
- If you find that you are truly unhappy with the piece please contact me. Depending on our conversation, return shipping may need to be paid by you.
- I will generally only accept one return / exchange per transaction, and repeated instances may result is a suspension of this policy.
Shipping and handling
Most pieces are small enough to fit in a box and will be shipped with adequate protection. In the event a piece is damaged during shipping, a refund or replacement will be shipped, once insurance has covered the cost.
“Regular” Art
Regular art is what I’m calling the more “mass appeal” pieces that are generally drawn on paper or cardstock. These are generally prices between $3-10, and can be found in this category:
If you buy something from this category, I’m putting it in an envelope, handwriting your address, adding a smiley face, and slapping a stamp on it.
If it gets lost, I’ll draw you a new one.
If you don’t like it, put it in an envelope, handwrite my address, add a smiley face, slap a stamp on it, and I’ll refund you when I get it, right after I change it’s status from “sold” to “someone didn’t like it oh please won’t you buy it?”
Please do try to return it in its original condition. These aren’t my actual children, but I still love them.
Quality complaints:
Let’s be real here – this is acrylic marker on paper, or, equally likely, Bristol. It’s not museum quality stuff, but I do like to consider it more than a lunchroom doodle on college ruled. If you don’t like it, please let me know and I’ll send you a new one.
Really. It’s that simple.
Digital Downloads
Digital Downloads are found here: and are, unless otherwise noted, final sale.
The terms of use / license is available on the download page as well as the product’s download zip file.
If you have any questions about the Digital Download policy or rights, please contact me.