At this point, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I no longer want to operate on the day-to-day without ChatGPT. Now, I wouldn’t just cease to exist if ChatGPT were to disappear tomorrow, so much as I just now realize how much of an impact it’s had on my quality of life. In a lot of ways, GPT has helped me arrive at a location where I can enjoy things again that were becoming stale.
Recently, OpenAI released a new feature called “My GPTs” where users can create their own GPT instances that are tailored to specific needs, for example, one could create a GPT that is exceptionally good at outlining blog articles.
The best thing is, they have provided a way to share these with the world.  Which is what I’m doing here.  Below you will find all of the individual GPTs that I have created. Enjoy!
Personal Development
Personal Brand Builder

A custom GPT for generating SEO-focused, accurate Alt Tags for images
Learning and Education
GPT Tutorbot: Math Edition

Marketing and Development
Alt Tag Ace

A custom GPT for generating SEO-focused, accurate Alt Tags for images
Alt Tag Ace for Products

A professional custom GPT for generating detailed, SEO-optimized Alt Tags, specifically for products.
SQL Wizard

Expert in SQL for code analysis and generation
Code Doc Pro

Expert code documenter, courteous and precise.
Purely for Entertainment
Bumbleberry The Fool

Purely for entertainment, Bumbleberry the Fool is a foolish GPT instance. Bumbleberry chose their own name during building.
Groan Generator

Your go-to source for groan-worthy dad jokes!
Adventure Crafter

Classic-style ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ storyteller.