At this point, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I no longer want to operate on the day-to-day without ChatGPT. Now, I wouldn’t just cease to exist if ChatGPT were to disappear tomorrow, so much as I just now realize how much of an impact it’s had on my quality of life. In a lot of ways, GPT has helped me arrive at a location where I can enjoy things again that were becoming stale.

Recently, OpenAI released a new feature called “My GPTs” where users can create their own GPT instances that are tailored to specific needs, for example, one could create a GPT that is exceptionally good at outlining blog articles.

The best thing is, they have provided a way to share these with the world.  Which is what I’m doing here.  Below you will find all of the individual GPTs that I have created. Enjoy!


Personal Development

Personal Brand Builder

Hand-drawn illustration of a light bulb with artistic, conceptual elements including musical notes, leaves, gears, and mathematical symbols, symbolizing creativity and innovation.

A custom GPT for generating SEO-focused, accurate Alt Tags for images

Learning and Education

GPT Tutorbot: Math Edition

Abstract futuristic design featuring a high-speed vehicle on a neon-lit, streamlined track, conveying a sense of motion and advanced technology.
This is a proof of concept for locking a GPT into a set of subjects for a more scholarly approach to things


Marketing and Development

Alt Tag Ace

An image of a magnifying glass, with the word "ACE" in a speech bubble underneath

A custom GPT for generating SEO-focused, accurate Alt Tags for images

Alt Tag Ace for Products

An image of a magnifying glass, with the word "ACE" in a speech bubble underneath

A professional custom GPT for generating detailed, SEO-optimized Alt Tags, specifically for products.

SQL Wizard

Futuristic looking cyberpunk inspired city, used as an image for a SQL wizard GPT

Expert in SQL for code analysis and generation

Code Doc Pro

A futuristic image of a neon avatar reading documentation, superimposed inside a circle of technological items.

Expert code documenter, courteous and precise.

Purely for Entertainment

Bumbleberry The Fool

A Classic court jester with bright, colorful patchwork hat and collar.

Purely for entertainment, Bumbleberry the Fool is a foolish GPT instance. Bumbleberry chose their own name during building.

Groan Generator

 Illustrated character in a plaid shirt smiling and pointing to a "Joke of the Day" sign, capturing a cheerful and lighthearted mood.

Your go-to source for groan-worthy dad jokes!

Adventure Crafter

Futuristic looking cyberpunk inspired city, used as an image for a SQL wizard GPT

Classic-style ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ storyteller.