Keep it weird

What would it mean to you to keep it weird? I don’t mean like “being weird” – mooing like a deranged cow every time someone says “hour” is certainly weird and if that’s your thing, well, you do you.

No I mean what’s weird to you?

To me – it’s deciding to have a color palette that’s entirely made up of four fluorescents and black and drawing primarily cute, unassuming characters. To me, that’s weird: different, unexpected (for who I think I am internally) and a way to branch out and do something I’m uncomfortable with. And I feel myself growing as a result!

So – keep it weird. Do something unconventional, strange, different. Do something that makes you uncomfortable (safely… don’t be untrue to who you are). Do something that’s outside your box, unexpected, interesting.

You know, Keep It Weird.

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