I need more information

If you follow the clues long enough and deep enough you will find that the conspiracy was inside you the whole time Here’s another that started differently. Here’s the original Related posts: The Ripple: When a friend’s Depression Becomes your Struggle too. Uh oh I think I might be creating a brand Keep it weird … Read more
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Oh no everything is on fire

Sometimes you do not realize that it is really your glasses that are on fire and not the everything that you thought it was before it’s like rose tint only more burney Here’s another that started _way_ different. Wanna see the original? Related posts: The Ripple: When a friend’s Depression Becomes your Struggle too. Uh … Read more
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I honestly thought there would be more robots

What kind of future is this anyway I want my robot butler and my electric sheep instead all I got was this lousy climate change good job boomers thanks a lot Related posts: I’m not a jack-of-all trades; I’m a curator of abandoned hobbies. The Ripple: When a friend’s Depression Becomes your Struggle too. Uh … Read more
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There will always be haters

Such is life Related posts: Carrying on When the Future is Uncertain The Ripple: When a friend’s Depression Becomes your Struggle too.
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I really can’t dance so I’ll just cheer you on instead

I think we’ll all be better off that way This is another one that originally looked very very different Related posts: The Ripple: When a friend’s Depression Becomes your Struggle too. Uh oh I think I might be creating a brand Keep it weird Carrying on When the Future is Uncertain
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The lake is a long way from here

Over hill over dale through bush through briar over park over pale through flood through fire through time through space through dimensions through string theory Fun fact: this is actually version two. Here’s version one: Related posts: I’m not a jack-of-all trades; I’m a curator of abandoned hobbies. The Ripple: When a friend’s Depression Becomes … Read more
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Everyone was busy so i went to the movies by myself

The popcorn is the best part. Related posts: The Ripple: When a friend’s Depression Becomes your Struggle too. Uh oh I think I might be creating a brand Keep it weird Carrying on When the Future is Uncertain
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Ok so what is art anyway

Here’s something I like to tell myself every time i draw something “Oh that’s not good you’re not an artist no one will like what you are doing who do you think you are anyway?” I mean I don’t like to tell myself that but my self likes to tell myself that if you know … Read more
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Oh dear I think someone has stolen my tea

No one stole my tea for real but the man in this image looks kind of like a jalapeno. Related posts: The Ripple: When a friend’s Depression Becomes your Struggle too. Uh oh I think I might be creating a brand Keep it weird Carrying on When the Future is Uncertain
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