The Uncelebrated Triumph of “Almost”: A Journey Without Regret

In this article, I dismantle the paralyzing grip of regret and self-doubt, exploring why a multi-faceted and diverse history of experiences and focuses might actually be your greatest asset. 

Navigating the Restless Mind: How to Cope with “I should Be Doing Something Else”

Ever feel the pressure to do ‘something else’ with your life? Engage the restless itch within us all and navigate its push and pull.

The Shadow of Inspiration: Facing the Pressure of Daily Creation

NAHFTS | Draw a calendar

I’m sitting at my desk, Pages open on my iPad, cursor blinking expectantly, but the words just won’t come.  I’ve got plenty to talk about, so much I want to say, yet the opening paragraph eludes me. The cursor’s incessant blinking becomes menacing, mocking my inaction. And yet I stare on, unmotivated to continue, dissatisfied … Read more

How One Word is Shifting My Perspective from Defeatism to Optimism

A recurring sentiment that often punctuates my pursuits is “Why bother. I’m not good enough. This is pointless.” It’s not really a surprise to me that this usually seems to happen right before the descent into The Valley of the Forgotten. This kind of thought is an example of “catastrophic thinking” or “pessimistic determinism”, and … Read more

I’m not a jack-of-all trades; I’m a curator of abandoned hobbies.

Picture this. I’ve just found something I like to do – maybe that’s drawing, or collecting rocks that are a specific shade of blue, or collecting sixteenth century rag dolls. Doesn’t matter, this is it, this is the new hot thing and it’s got my attention and by golly, I’m going to die with the … Read more

I keep coming up with other people’s ideas… and that’s ok.

Have you ever had a ‘eureka’ moment, only to find out later that your groundbreaking, earth-shattering idea is centuries old? Yea – I’ve been there – from philosophy to science I’ve ‘discovered’ concepts that great minds have pondered for ages – here’s what this humbling experience has taught me. I’d like to introduce you to … Read more

Monkey Fog: Executive Dysfunction, Decision Paralysis, and Anxiety

I have this feeling that i call “Monkey fog” – and I’ve decided that there’s really no better name for the experience. What happens is this: i get this feeling of extreme brain fog, where there are a hundred productive things i could be doing, but I don’t want to do literally any of them … Read more

There just isn’t enough bleeping time

Get up. Shower. Make Breakfast. Go to work. Grind. Lunch. Grind some more. Go home. Make dinner. Get the kids to bed. Clean the kitchen. Do some housework, maybe. Well, hell, it’s 10PM, I guess I’ll veg for a bit and then go to bed, ‘cause tomorrow will just be the same. And if you … Read more

What’re you so happy about anyway?

What side of the question are you on? Do you find yourself drifting toward an attitude of general positivity, or are you more of a “glass-half-empty kind of optimist?” Do you fluctuate between the two depending on the day of the week? For a while now, I’ve found myself gravitating toward the less sunny side … Read more